Exhibition subea Expo

On 11-13 February we were present at Subsea Expo 2020, the world's largest subsea exhibition and conference. It was held at P&J Live, Aberdeen's newest state-of-the-art events venue, and had its largest attendance on record. The three-day conference, currently in its 15th year edition, attracted approximately 6.700 visitors from all over the globe and featured almost 200 exhibitors.

Subsea Expo 2020 was a perfect opportunity for us to present to the industry our subsea sensing, analysing and communicating solutions. This year…

Read more: Aquatec Present at Subsea Expo 2020

Aquatec was present at Coastal Sediments 2019, the renowned international symposium on engineering and science of coastal sediment processes. The conference series, which has been running for 42 years, held its ninth quadrennial edition from 27-31 May, in Tampa / St. Pete Beach, against the stunning backdrop provided by Florida’s Gulf of Mexico.

The Coastal Sediments 2019 conference provided a valuable international forum for exchange of information and technical discussions, as well as an ideal platform for networking with coastal…

Read more: Coastal Sediments 2019

Another good year at Ocean Business in Southampton, UK

Lots of interest in our latest AQUAmodem Op series of throughwater optical comms.




Read more: Ocean Business 2019

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