Aquatec’s hydrotest rental service offers an equipment and service package that includes a range of measurement and communication options, depending on the individual needs of the client. Our rental pool includes individual loggers, modems, displays and gauges, as well as systems set up to your specification and the new HYDROskid monitoring skid.

Whether you require a single component or a complete instrumentation system, Aquatec’s established rental services can provide you with an efficient and cost-effective solution to suit the needs of your project.

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Why rent with Aquatec?

  • A proven range of instruments and services for oceanographic and offshore applications.
  • Competitively priced rental rates so you can reduce the expenditure on your project.
  • Technical support and training is available.
  • Short and long term rental rates.

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Instruments available for rental


HYDROlog  3000

Test pressure and external temperature logger

4000m rated high test logger, measuring test pressure to 1000bar with ±0.05%FS accuracy and ±0.01%FS precision


High specification subsea digital gauge

1000m rated digital pressure gauge with LCD screen, measuring pressure with ±0.05%FS accuracy and ±0.01%FS precision


Revolutionary subsea display with high resolution LCD panel

Presents data graphically or numerically and can display up to 4 parameters on one screen

HYDROskid 3000

The complete solution for hydrotest monitoring

Compact, standalone and easy to use system
Featuring: AQUAdisp, HYDROlog, AQUAmodem Op2 and AQUAswitch

AQUAmodem  Op2
Aquamodem op2

Reliable underwater optical modem

Compatible with any instrument with an RS232 serial interface, including Aquatec’s AQUAlogger and HYDROlog ranges