Aquatec has been developing temperature and pressure loggers for many years. The range has now expanded to include reliable standalone data loggers to produce precise long term records, wireless instruments for use on commercial fishing vessels, loggers for use in the deep ocean and real time monitoring systems. Our experts can advise you of the instrumentation and system options and recommend the most suitable solution for you.

AQUAlogger® 520

The mini logger

AQUAlogger® 530

The wireless logger

AQUAlogger® 310PT

The midi logger

AQUAlogger® 520
  • Compact wireless design
  • Up to 5 year battery life
  • Continuous and burst sampling regimes
  • Maximum 1000m depth
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AQUAlogger® 530
  • Automatic transmission of data to a remote computer via wireless technology
  • Automatic display of temperature and depth data
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AQUAlogger® 310PT
  • Compact, self-contained logger
  • High speed data connection
  • Real time reporting capability as standard
  • Depth rated up to 6000m
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The AQUAlogger instrument range has been providing reliable, precision temperature and pressure data to commercial and academic organisations across the world for over 15 years. The primary model, the AQUAlogger 520, combines years of product development and innovative design, resulting in an easy to use and cost effective instrument.

The AQUAlogger 530WTD has an innovative design that includes the ability to transfer stored data automatically to a remote computer via wireless technology and display temperature and depth data, removing the need for a cabled connection or manual interaction. With a rugged, compact design, it is suitable for use on a variety of vessels and platforms, including fishing gear, research ships, survey boats, commercial fishing vessels and moorings.

The AQUAlogger 310PT is a self-contained temperature and pressure logger that offers simple data connection configuration and download, and real time reporting capability. The versatile instrument is suitable for a wide variety of applications, both oceanographic and offshore. The AQUAlogger 310PT is capable of monitoring in water depths of up to 6000m, making it a suitable choice for many oceanographic research professionals.

Real time systems

In addition to providing reliable logging instruments, Aquatec also offer real time monitoring systems. Every real time monitoring project is different, with different aims and end requirements for data. Aquatec will find the best solution to achieve your goal, whether carrying out oceanographic research or undertaking environmental monitoring. Your experience starts with an initial consultation with one of our systems experts, who will discuss your requirements in detail.

Talk to a member of the
Ocean team

Call us: +44 (0) 1256 416010

Equipment Rental

Aquatec’s instruments are available for rental from our UK office.

Get a quote today