Aquatec offer additional services to help you access and understand your data.

Data Retrieval

cp insightsAquatec real-time monitoring systems can provide the data you need direct to your offices, avoiding the costly process of using divers or ROVs. We can also assist in the retrieval of logged data, using our subsea communication products such as optical modems.

Analysis and Monitoring

In order to ensure ongoing protection, Aquatec offer a data analysis and reporting service. The need for this level of insight can be incorporated at the start of a project, or added in at a later date.

Experienced Aquatec personnel can monitor the system health checks, download the logged data or review real time data, and generate a report in which the CP data is analysed. As the designers, suppliers and installers of monitoring systems, Aquatec experts are ideally placed to offer insight into ongoing system operation. As the reports include an analysis of the data, benefits include optimisation of the system, reduction in waste and early identification of potential issues.

Aquatec offer the following on a regular basis (e.g. weekly):

  • Monitor the system health checks
  • Download the logged data / review real time data
  • Analyse the downloaded data

The scope of analysis and report is tailored to your project, agreed in advance. 

Consultancy and Advice

Additional consultancy services and recommendations based upon the data retrieval, interpretation and analysis are available.


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