The Aquatec Group has registered with First Point Access Limited (FPAL), to demonstrate our instruments and services meet the standards of the oil and gas industry, across the board.

What this means for our customers

Clients can have confidence that all of the Aquatec Group’s instruments have been designed and calibrated to a high standard. Since the criteria for the oil and gas trade is much higher than that of other industries, all of our customers will receive the highest…

Read more: Aquatec now registered with FPAL

Aquatec launched 4 new products at Offshore Europe, as part of their hydrotest instrumentation and systems range.

The new products include a subsea display, subsea gauge and standalone monitoring skid.

The AQUAdispis a revolutionary new subsea display. Up to 16 parameters can be displayed over 4 screens. Data can also be presented graphically on 16 graphs, displaying the last 33 values. The low power technology means the display can stay on all of the time – there is no need…

Read more: New Products for Hydrotest Monitoring

New Subsea Clamp for Cathodic Protection and other Subsea Monitoring Systems from Aquatec Group

Aquatec launched the AQUAclamp™ subsea clamp at Offshore Europe, as part of their cathodic protection and monitoring range.

The AQUAclamp is easily deployed by diver or ROV, and ideal for the retrofit of monitoring equipment to pipelines and structures. It provides a secure mechanical fixing and a reliable electrical bond.  When combined with Aquatec’s innovative AQUAmodem® communication system, real-time cathodic protection, monitoring and closed loop control…

Read more: New Subsea Clamp for Cathodic Protection

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