Innovation is at the heart of Aquatec – whether bespoke solutions for customers, ground-breaking new technologies or updates for our well-established product ranges.

In addition to running a significant internal research and development programme to advance our instrumentation product line, we have participated in a number of collaborative research and development programmes. 

R&D Projects

Project Dates Type Details Technology
NAUTILOS 2020 - 2024 H2020 New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean Observation Sound and Marine Mammal Monitoring; Acoustic Profiling; Through-water Communication
ACOBAR 2008 - 2012 FP7 Acoustic Technology for Observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean Acoustic Communication
DAMOCLES 2005 - 2010 FP6 Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies Acoustic Communication
NECESSITY 2004 - 2007 FP6 Nephrops and CEtacean Species Selection Information and Technology Acoustic marine mammal deterrent for trawls
SWARM 2003 - 2005 FP5 Autonomous underwater multi-probe system for coastal area - Shallow Water Monitoring Acoustic Communication
PINGER 2004 - 2005 Spanish Govt Development of an acoustic prototype to reduce predation caused by marine mammals in swordfish fisheries Acoustic marine mammal deterrent for longlines