Aquatec Group Instrumentation resized

Aquatec Rentals - a comprehensive rental service featuring the most popular oceanographic, environmental and offshore instruments. 



Oceanographic and Environmental Rental SolutionsAQUAmark 848

The oceanographic and environmental rental pool includes a variety of instruments from our popular AQUAlogger, AQUAscat and AQUAmark instrumentation ranges. Of note is the powerful AQUAmark 848 marine mammal deterrent, which is designed to deter porpoises, dolphins and similar toothed whales over distances of up to 1500m and is ideally suited for construction work. Also available are AQUAscat 1000 acoustic suspended sediment profilers and AQUAlogger 310TY advanced turbidity loggers. Aquatec Expert can be added to AQUAscat rentals – a service that includes personal consultation, pre-deployment advice and optional post-deployment reporting.

Leak detection Rental Solutionsparameters

Aquatec leak detection systems are available for rental and feature a variety of detection techniques, including fluorescence detection, active and passive acoustic detection, thermal gradient detection, and pressure differential systems. Aquatec leak detection systems are field-proven and have been used on projects around the world. We also provide systems and operator personnel for hire across the globe, as well as on-site and remote training.

Hydrotest Rental Solutions

Aquatec’s hydrotest rental service offers an equipment and service package that includes a range of measurement and communication options, depending on the individual needs of the client. Our rental pool includes individual loggers, modems, displays and gauges, as well as systems set up to your specification and the new HYDROskid monitoring skid. Whether you require a single component or a complete instrumentation system, Aquatec’s established rental services can provide you with an efficient and cost-effective solution to suit the needs of your project.

Rental Rewardsparameters

Aquatec Rental Rewards gives customers the opportunity to benefit from preferential rental rates, a discount on service and calibration for Aquatec instruments, and the opportunity to try out new technology first.