The oceanographic and environmental rental pool includes a variety of instruments from our popular AQUAlogger, AQUAscat and AQUAmark instrumentation ranges.

Of note is the powerful AQUAmark 848 marine mammal deterrent, which is designed to deter porpoises, dolphins and similar toothed whales over distances of up to 1500m and is ideally suited for construction work.

Also available are AQUAscat 1000 acoustic suspended sediment profilers and AQUAlogger 310TY advanced turbidity loggers. Aquatec Expert can be added to AQUAscat rentals – a service that includes personal consultation, pre-deployment advice and optional post-deployment reporting.

instrument design image


Why rent with Aquatec?


  • A proven range of instruments and services for oceanographic and environmental applications.
  • Competitively priced rental rates so you can reduce the expenditure on your project.
  • Technical support and training is available.
  • Short and long term rental rates.

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Instruments available for rental

AQUAmark  848
AQUAmark 848

Marine mammal deterrent

Deter porpoises, dolphins and similar toothed whales with a range of up to 1500m.

AQUAlogger  310TY
AQUAlogger 310TY

Advanced turbidity logger

Measure turbidity to 10,000FTU, as well as temperature and depth.

AQUAscat  1000R
AQUAscat 1000R

Acoustic suspended sediment profiler

Observe profiles of mean particle size and suspended sediment concentration over ranges of up to 10m.

AQUAscat  1000LT
AQUAscat 1000LT

Acoustic suspended sediment profiler

Latest AQUAscat model featuring 2 fixed transducers, a rechargeable battery and lightweight housing.



Aquatec Expert for AQUAscat


Aquatec Expert is a new service to help you get the most out of your AQUAscat instruments. We provide advice and guidance on the best way to set up your instruments, specific to your application, and help you process and understand your data.

Personal consultation

A personal consultation to discuss your deployment, what you want to measure, the expected sediment regime, your expectations, your client’s expectations, and gathering an understanding of other co-located instruments.

Pre-deployment advice

Pre-deployment advice comprising a performance capability prediction for the range of suspended sediments, covering trade-offs with power and sample regime; and a recommended configuration for your instrument, including advice on equipment mounting, battery provision, and synchronisation with any other instruments.

Post deployment report

Post deployment report to include: Critical analysis of AQUAscat dataset; Deployment summary; Hand-tuned particle size and load profile inversions; and Matlab or CSV processed dataset