Aquatec marks three decades innovating for ocean sustainability with marine charity donation

The donation, made to the Marine Conservation Society, is part of Aquatec’s commitment to supporting the ocean environment and looking after marine wildlife. This funding will allow the non-profit organisation to continue their work preserving the seas by creating well-managed marine protected areas, liaising with fishermen and industry to find more sustainable ways of fishing, and working together with retailers and consumers to buy and choose more…

Read more: Aquatec marks three decades innovating for ocean sustainability with marine charity donation

Aquatec Turns 30


Aquatec Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary Helping the Preservation of Marine Environment

We are delighted to announce that Aquatec has just started its 31st year in business. We celebrate it with a novel online click-and-raise landing page. For every click on the corporate timeline, we will add an amount up to a fixed sum that will be donated from our own funds to the Marine Conservation Society.

With this action we commemorate our three decades in the industry creating instruments and services aimed at safeguarding marine mammals, as well…

Read more: Aquatec Turns 30

Migration to ISO 45001


Aquatec upgrades its Occupational Health and Safety Management System 

In line with our continuous commitment and dedication to providing our stakeholders with exceptional standards of quality, health and service, we have just been awarded the ISO 45001:2018 Certification. We have fully migrated to the new Occupational Health and Safety Management System from the old OHSAS 18001.

The new certification guarantees that we meet strict criteria in our scope of operations and daily activities. Also, it underlines the importance that…

Read more: Migration to ISO 45001

MASTS 2020 Virtual Booth


Aquatec at MASTS 2020

It has been a great week for Aquatec at MASTS 2020, the 10th Annual Science Meeting held by The Marine Alliance For Science and Technology For Scotland. Due to Covid-19 restrictions still in place, the event was held virtually. During the meeting, we looked back at the significant progress made during 2020, and looked forward to 2021, which sees the start of the decade of ocean science for sustainable development. We also examined the modern…

Read more: MASTS 2020 Virtual Booth

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