Aquatec Group is pleased to introduce a new service for the AQUAscat to help new and existing customers make the most of their instruments, and optimise data collection and analysis. Aquatec Expert provides advice and guidance at both the pre and post deployment stages, as well as data analysis and reporting services. For surveyors and consultants, the complete Aquatec Expert service allows the AQUAscatsuspended sediment profilers to be used confidently and efficiently, in order to enhance the sediment monitoring and understanding…

Read more: New Aquatec Expert service for AQUAscat

Aquatec Group is pleased to announce the launch of Aquatec Rentals, a comprehensive rental service featuring the most popular oceanographic, environmental and offshore instruments.

The oceanographic and environmental rental pool includes Aquatec’s powerful AQUAmark 848 marine mammal deterrent, which is designed to deter porpoises, dolphins and similar toothed whales over distances of up to 1500m and is ideally suited for construction work. Also available are AQUAscat 1000 acoustic suspended sediment profilers and AQUAlogger310TY advanced turbidity loggers. Aquatec Expert can be added to…

Read more: Aquatec launch Aquatec Rentals

Following the successful launch of Aquatec’s Sediment? Solved range of products for the collection of suspended, bedload and deposited sediment, Aquatec is pleased to announce the addition of a new corer from MBT GmbH, MacArtney’s German subsidiary. The Frahm Sediment Sampler is designed to close the gap between the short cores sampled with multicorers and the longer cores of the gravity corers. In fact, with carefully selected weights, the bottom water can be sampled together with the sediment cores. The…

Read more: New Frahm Sediment Sampler available from Aquatec’s Sediment? Solved range

Aquatec Group is delighted to announce the expansion of the Sediment? Solvedrange to include instrumentation to measure surface sediment stability, with the addition of Partrac’s benthic flumes and Cohesive Strength Meter (CSM). Partrac’s Voyager II sea flume is the only commercially available ocean rated benthic flume, which is designed for in situ studies of threshold, erosion velocity and erosional behaviour of undisturbed marine muds. Designed to operate to shelf sea depths, the flume applies a controlled flow stress (or velocity)…

Read more: Sediment? Solved expanded to include sediment stability instrumentation

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