Aquatec Will Host Marine Measurement's Forum 65th Edition

The biannual event will occur on Wednesday, 30th November 2022, at Highfield Park, Hampshire.

Get tickets here.
Read the Press Release here.

Read more: Aquatec Will Host MMF 65

Aquatec Invests in Canadian Expansion


Aquatec Invests in Canadian Expansion

Now also trading from Nova Scotia under its new Canadian registered denomination—Aquatec Subsea Inc.— the company is investing in its North American expansion and taking strategic actions to consolidate its operations. 

Today, shortly after a successful trade mission, which included a scheduled UK Innovate Edge networking programme, presence at the H2O Conference & Exhibition, and a live demonstration of its Sediment SolvedTMdivision’s capabilities at COVE’s Demo Day, Aquatec announced its decision to…

Read more: Aquatec Invests in Canadian Expansion


We are delighted to welcome French oceanography and hydrography specialist Maritech SAS to Aquatec’s team of official resellers.

Maritech has provided high-quality instruments and world-class equipment to environmental agencies, universities and research institutes for over 36 years.

They will now add to their offering Aquatec’s Sediment Solved range, which includes all models of our advanced turbidity logger AQUAlogger® 310 and every version of our unique acoustic suspended sediment profiler AQUAscat® 1000.



Read more: New Authorised Reseller in France

Multi-award Winner


Aquatec is celebrating after winning OTC’s 2022 Spotlight on New Technology Award and ASME’s 2022 Albert Woelfel Best Mechanical Engineering Achievement Award.

Aquatec, announced earlier in February as the winner of Global Underwater Hub’s Subsea Expo Best Small Company Award, has now been honoured with two additional accolades while exhibiting at the Offshore Technology Conference 2022 in Houston.

On Monday 2nd May, we received the Small Business Spotlight on New Technology Award® for our KINEKtron® Retrofit Subsea Strain Measurement System, an innovative…

Read more: Multi-award Winner

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