Consultancy solutions



Aquatec offer a comprehensive consultancy service, working with you from the initial stages of your project.

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Inspection & Assessment

We provide fully trained and qualified engineers to inspect and assess your existing assets, and provide recommendations for their protection.

Our assessment methods are tailored to your requirements, incorporating our cutting edge technology solutions where appropriate. Platform inspections by qualified inspectors are available, as well ongoing monitoring solutions for subsea work.

As well as short term assessments, Aquatec also offer easily installable monitoring systems, allowing cathodic protection levels and/or currents at multiple points across a structure to be recorded over a period of weeks to months. Data can be logged, downloaded subsea using optical modems or transmitted to the surface in real time depending on the requirements. The gathered data can then be used to validate/calibrate models and analysed to inform future action.


Modellingcp modelling

Aquatec offer a range of predictive modelling services to inform specification and design. Modelling can be carried out independently or in conjunction with our retrofit temporary monitoring equipment - CPmonitor systems can provide valuable data to validate and calibrate models, ensuring the most accurate foundation for permanent system design.

Incorporating modelling into the specification and design phase of work can help optimise the protection solution, especially if real time data is used to improve model performance. At Aquatec, we work with highly respected independent modelling specialists to deliver this service. When combined with our extensive system experience, you can be assured that the best solutions are being proposed.


Specification & DesignAQUAsled sacrificial resized

Our experienced personnel will work with you to specify the level of protection needed and the various options suited to your project.

We provide design services for a variety of systems, including sacrificial, impressed current and real time monitoring. Aquatec has efficient solutions for retrofit protection and monitoring, as well as experience in designing for new structures.

As an independent company with over 20 years’ experience in system design and delivery, Aquatec solutions are tailored to your needs and easy to install, as well as incorporating innovative technology to reduce costs and improve safety.


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