AQUAlogger® 530WTD

Temperature, pressure - to 600m

Ideal for commercial fisheries, oceanographic surveys and environmental research

A rugged alternative for measuring temperature and depth underwater…

…giving precise and reliable measurements in all water conditions.

The AQUAlogger® 530WTD is a wireless standalone temperature and depth logger with a robust and innovative design. The instrument offers automatic data transfer, so your data is transmitted wirelessly to a designated PC or laptop, once the equipment has surfaced. Users can benefit from the quick and simple setup and deployment of the instrument that will save you time in the field.


  • Oceanographic and environmental research where ‘at a glance’ data display is important
  • Commercial fisheries – to aid fishing methods and species targeting
  • Coastal studies

Use on your fishing gear

  • The AQUAlogger 530 has been carefully designed for deployment on fishing gear. This can include anything from lobster pots to fishing nets.
  • Once attached to your fishing equipment, the AQUAlogger 530 can provide you with valuable insight into the temperature of the water and depth of your gear, which can affect the success of your fishing activities.
  • Once the AQUAlogger 530 surfaces with your equipment, the reader automatically detects the instrument. This means that no wires or connectors are needed for the data transfer.

Automatic near-real time data

  • Data can be collected in near-real time, which is important for commercial fishing vessels, to aid fishing methods and species targeting.
  • Now you can rectify any problems and take immediate action, since you will have a greater understanding of the water environment.
  • The AQUAlogger 530 will automatically transmit data wirelessly when retrieved, up to 100m away.

Customisable & flexible deployment

  • The depth trigger feature allows you to maximise the use of the instrument by saving memory and battery life. This allows you to programme the instrument so it starts and stops collecting data at set depths, so you obtain only the measurements relevant to your study.
  • The AQUAlogger 530 can measure to a depth of 600m, giving you the flexibility to use the device in a wide variety of deployments, including oceans, coasts, rivers, lakes, estuaries and more.


  • The hard-wearing AQUAlogger 530 has been designed with a durable stainless-steel casing to protect your data in an operational setting.
  • The rugged design makes the AQUAlogger 530 the ideal instrument to use on commercial vessels and vessels of opportunity.

Reliable sensing

  • Each logger is individually calibrated by our expert team.
  • Aquatec offer an annual service and calibration plan to ensure continuity of reliable data.
  • The logger is supplied with pressure and temperature sensors, to enhance your understanding of the environment.

Ready to use

  • We supply you with everything you need to get started, including a reader, software and manuals.


    • The AQUAlogger 530 is ideal for crowdsourcing coastal oceanographic data via vessels of opportunity such as commercial fishing boats.
    • Temporal and spatial resolution of bottom and water column temperature data, as well as tidal cycles, can be increased in a cost effective manner, compared to data collection via traditional methods (buoys, research vessels).
Aquatec Solutions for ocean instruments

Sensor specification




Sensor type


Piezo-resistive bridge


-2 to 30°C standard, other ranges on request

60 bar (~600m)
(Other sensors available on request)


better than 0.007°C

better than 0.01% full scale



typically better than 0.2% full scale

Time constant

better than 5 seconds to 63% of the change in value


Logger specification

Data storage capacity

Greater than 4M parameter readings, in non-volatile FLASH

Logging lifetime

Typically 1 year, depending on regime

Data retention

>10 years

Burst sampling

Bursts every 1 – 255 seconds or 1 – 255 minutes

Within-burst rate

From 1 Hz to once every 30 seconds

Burst averaging

Bursts may be averaged to a single data value

Logger communication

Wireless - IEEE802.15.1

Reader communication

USB 2.0, bus powered


1.5V Alkaline Battery


AQUAtalk for Windows for configuration and download


Single or double point attachment, with holes for screw attachment
and shackles (provided) for rope, shackle or carabiner attachment

Maximum depth



200mm (7.9”) long x 55mm (1.3”) diameter - logger only
250mm (9.8”) long x 74mm (2.9”) diameter - with cage


520g (18.3oz) in air; 200g (7oz) in water - logger only
1320g (46.6oz) in air; 600g (21.2oz) in water - with cage

Q: How far does the wireless signal reach?

A: Data is transmitted up to 100m away.

Q: Do you have to start and stop the wireless logger manually for each dive?

A: If the instrument is set to be triggered at a certain depth, you will not need to manually start and stop the instrument on each deployment.

Q: How long do you need to keep the wireless logger out of the water for the transmission to be completed?

A: The time will vary depending on the time to detect the instrument when it surfaces and the amount of data (for example, for a 90 minute deployment, it should take less than 5 minutes). The home page of the software, AQUAtalk, will indicate when the logger has been detected and the data uploaded.