A comprehensive range of grabs from KC-Denmark for collecting sediment from the seabed, river bed, lakes and other natural waters. 


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Van Veen grab Van Veen Grab

The KC Van Veen grab is based on the Van Veen design. It's made of AISI 316 stainless steel and the surface is electro polished. The heavy-duty construction is designed for all kinds of environment. All models, except for 12.110, can be equipped with additional lead weights for heavy performance in hard bottoms. Models 12.211 and 12.410 have 4 lids with stainless steel mesh and rubber mats to reduce the shock wave, as per Norwegian ISO standard. All models are equipped with 2 or 4 lids so you can remove an undisturbed part of the sample without emptying the whole sample.

 Available sizes

  • 12.110: 250 cm² - 4 lids – 3,14 L
  • 12.210: 1000 cm² - 4 lids – 15 L
  • 12.211: 1000 cm² - 4 lids – 15 L
  • 12.310: 2000 cm² - 2 lids – 50 L
  • 12.410: 2500 cm² - 4 lids – 82 L
  • 12.421: 5000 cm² - 4 lids – 140 L

Size of lids

  • 12.110: 60 x 70 mm
  • 12.210: 120 x 120 mm
  • 12.310: 150 x 177 mm
  • 12.410: 180 x 210 mm


Ekman grab Ekmann Grab

The Ekman grab is used for collecting sediment and sludge samples and is based on the Ekman design. For shallow water, model 12.000 can be equipped with shafts for a max. length of 4 m.

Available sizes

  • 12.000: 225 cm²– 5 L
  • 12.002: 400 cm² - 12 L



Day grab Day Grab

The Day Grab is deployed in the sea, and the automatic releaser is activated when the grab hits the bottom and the sample will be taken. The grab is equipped with 4 lids, so you can take out some of the sample without emptying the grab. The Day Grab is highly suited for taking well-defined samples from hard as well as soft sediments.

The main frame, grab and releaser are manufactured from AISI 316 stainless steel with an electro polished surface, with overall dimensions of 70 x 70 x 70 cm.

Available sizes

  • 12.300: 1000 cm²– 15 L (max 6000m operational depth)