A comprehensive range of corers from KC-Denmark and MBT GmbH - MacArtney Germany for collecting sediment from the seabed, river bed, lakes and other natural waters.

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Box corerBox corer - KC-Denmark

Models - Up to 1000cm2

The KC box corer frame is manufactured from 50 x 50 x 4 mm square AISI 316 stainless steel tube with a finish of electro polish. The sample tube is made of 4 mm electropolished AISI 316 stainless steel.

Areas of sample tubes available are:

600 cm²: 29 x 20,7 cm

1000 cm²: 34,5 x 29 cm

The main racks for 600 cm² and 1000 cm² are identical and by changing some items you have the availability of both sizes. Penetration depth of both tubes is 40 cm.

Model – 2500cm2

The KC-Denmarks box corer's series is a marine geological sampling tool for soft sediment in lakes or oceans. It is deployed from a research vessel with a deep sea wire and suitable for any water depth. It is designed for a minimum of disturbance of the sediment surface by bow wave effects which is important for quantitative investigations of the benthos micro- to macrofauna, geochemical processes, sampling of bottom water or sedimentology. The KC box corer frame is manufactured from 100 x 100 x 6 mm square AISI 316 steel tube and electro polished. The KC-Box corer 2500 cm², 50 cm penetration, is also available with 60 cm penetration.

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Kajak corer Kajak corer - KC-Denmark

The Kajak corer is designed for taking samples in muddy or half-hard sediment, is based on the Kajak design and can be used as line operated as well as hand-operated sampler.

Quick change: The Kajak comes as a quick-change model, (13.030). This model speeds up the changing of corer tubes, very useful if you need a lot of samples. All parts are made of AISI 316 stainless steel.

Accessories: A wide range of accessories, Ø60 mm steel tubes and Ø80 mm acrylic tubes are available. An internal PP (polypropylene) liner can be inserted to the stainless steel tube for easy (and cheap) storing of many samples. The stainless steel tube can also hold the orange peel closing system (core catcher), which will prevent the sample from exiting.

Tubes and liners: Standard delivery includes 1 pc acrylic sample tube. For very hard sea beds you can mount stainless steel tubes and also include internal liners if you need a large number of samples to be stored for later analysis.

Extension for hand operated Kajak: If working in small depths up to 4 m, you can operate the Kajak by hand. The upper part of the line operated sampler can be exchanged with a shaft in order to sample by manual insertion of the tube. The shafts are made of AISI 316 stainless steel tubes, each 2,0 m. They can be assembled to a maximum length of 6 metres, recommended use max. 4 m.

Increase of performance: Adding of top lead weight, 13.310, 1,0 kg each. (Max. mounting 12 pcs = 12 kg) will increase penetration of the bottom sediment. Standard delivery comes with 6 pcs of weights.

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Freefall corer Small freefall corer - KC-Denmark

This corer is designed for taking samples in sandy sediment. The corer body is manufactured from AISI 316 stainless steel and the surface is electro polished. The top of the corer body has 4 pcs steering fins and it is possible to increase the weight with a maximum mounting of 24 pcs lead weights, 2 kg each. Standard mounting comes with 2 pcs 7 kg lead weights below the fins.

Corer tubes: Dimensions: OD 60/ID 53 mm. Available length of 1000, 1500 and 2000 mm.

Polypropylene liners: Dimensions: OD 50/ID 46 mm x 995 mm. Available length of 995, 1495 and 1995 mm.

PMMA Acrylic liners: Dimensions: OD 50/ID 46 mm x 995 mm. Available length of 995, 1495 and 1995 mm.

Weight: Weight, standard delivery: 38 kg (incl. 1 m stainless steel tube). Weight, max.: (with 24 lead weights and 2000 mm corer tube): 93 kg.

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Piston corer diagram Piston corer - KC-Denmark

The Piston corer takes up to 2 meters deep undisturbed samples from soft sediment and up to 4 meters deep samples from muddy sediment.

Position numbers refer to the schematic to the right. An AISI 316 stainless steel heavy duty releaser (pos. 1), based on the Kullenberg principle, is mounted at the top. Up to 10 lead weights (pos. 4) of 28 kg each can be mounted. The upper part of the corer is made of AISI 316 stainless steel The corer tube (pos. 9) is either made of AISI 316 stainless steel (ø104/99mm) or transparent PVC plastic (ø110/99 mm). At the end of the releaser hook (pos. 1) the 30 kg release weight (pos. 7) is mounted. At the bottom of the corer tube a piston (pos. 8) with a leather seal is positioned. The piston is connected to the releaser (pos. 1) by a ø8 mm AISI 316 stainless steel wire. During operation the corer tube (pos. 9) is released 1.7 meter above the sediment as the releaser weight reaches the sediment surface. The wire (pos. 8), which has a slack of about 1 meter, allows the corer tube to fall free until the piston (pos. 7) is activated just before the corer tube enters the sediment. The penetration depth can be regulated by the total weight load (pos. 4). When the sample is to be retrieved, the tube is positioned at two trestles and a piston rod (pos. 12), operated by an AISI 316 stainless steel ratchet, presses out the sediment sample for slicing.

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Multicorer Multi-corer - KC-Denmark

Multi-corer with detachable legs, gyro-suspension capable for a slope of 10 degrees, 6 pcs of polycarbonate tubes 600 mm long, Ø100 x 2,5 mm, and 6 pcs of weights, each 10 kg, and a hydraulic damper. The multi-corer is manufactured from laser-cut AISI 316 stainless steel plate. The multi-corer rack, slide part, hydraulic damper, weight station and top and bottom plates are gyro-hinged, which secures vertical penetration of the sample tubes into the sediment.

  • 1 pc main rack
  • AISI 316 stainless steel
  • 1 pc hydraulic damper
  • AISI 316 stainless steel mounting clamps
  • 6 pcs Ø100 mm sample tube
  • Penetration depth: Approx. 370 mm
  • 6 pcs 10 kg lead weight (60 kg)
  • 2 pcs safety locks
  • Height: 2,12 m
  • Diameter, max: 2,40 m
  • Operating depth: Full oceanographic depth
  • Weight: 310 kg

The rack - 6 inclined, detachable legs made of square AISI 316 steel tubes, 40 x 40 x 3 mm are held together of 6 pcs of Ø15 mm horizontal steel bars mounted beneath. Each leg has a footplate, dia. 320 mm, with 8 holes each Ø60 mm. Total height of the rack: 2,12 m Bottom diameter of the rack: 2,40 m Each sample tube has a spring-loaded lid, which is in open position during the sample taking. For each core a spring loaded horizontally placed plate is mounted at the bottom plate and when the sampling is completed, they are pressed in position under the sample tubes. At the same time the 6 top lids will close. Both functions will secure the sample. The top of the corer has a weight station with a capacity of 30 pcs 10 kg lead weights. Standard delivery comes with 6 pcs of weights. The sample tubes are attached by a double lock-clamp and a close fitting device giving a good fastening and a quick tube change.

Available in the following sizes – 6 x Ø100mm, 4 x Ø60mm, 4 x Ø100mm, 12 x Ø110mm

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Sediment corer sampler Sediment corer sampler - KC-Denmark

A corer for sediment sampling in shallow lakes with a maximum depth of approx. 4 m (extendable up to 6 m, but not recommended when used in small boats). A half-hard sediment is needed for taking a good well-defined sample.

The POM housing with the silicone contra flap supports 50 and 100 cm threaded acrylic tubes. During the sampling, the excess water in the tube expels via the contra flap). Upon raising the sampler, the vacuum at top of the sample tube prevents the sample from exiting. Tubes with threaded ends support the stainless steel carver 13.004 for protecting the tube.

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Frahm sediment sampler Frahm Sediment Sampler - MBT GmbH - MacArtney Germany

The Frahm Sediment Sampler, manufactured in license by MBT GmbH was originally designed at the Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW). With its longer tubes (80cm) it closes the gap between the short cores sampled with a “Multicorer” (MUC) and the longer cores of the Gravity Corers. With special choice of weights it is also possible to sample bottom water together with the sediment cores.

Applications include marine geology, sedimentological research, geological surveys and water engineering.

The system consists of:

  • sampler
  • rack
  • weights (approx. 24kg)
  • tube
  • tool for fixing the tube

Features and benefits:

  • light weight
  • small dimensions
  • easy to handle
  • made of stainless steel
  • bottom water sampling

Technical data:

  • weight sampler: 36 kg
  • height sampler: 150 cm
  • height sampler with rack: 176 cm
  • width: 48 cm

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