Aquatec offers three methods of measuring suspended sediment concentration - optical backscatter, multi-frequency acoustics and secchi discs.

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turbidity loggerAQUAlogger 310TY turbidity logger - Aquatec Group

The AQUAlogger® 310TY is a compact instrument that measures turbidity to greater than 10,000FTU , with optional integral temperature and pressure sensors. It can be used in freshwater and ocean environments, with models for shallow and deep water. The logger also features a tool to convert turbidity to suspended sediment concentration using in situ samples.

Key Features

  • Measure turbidity to greater than 10,000FTU
  • Convert turbidity to suspended sediment concentration with the SSC Converter tool
  • Optional automatic wipers to minimise the impact of biofouling
  • Quick start by swiping a magnet against the logger
  • Shake the logger to check the status
  • Flexible sampling - options for continuous and sampling, delayed start, variable sample rates, intermittent logging and averaging


  • Oceanographic and environmental assessment / research
  • Water quality monitoring for EIA and aquaculture
  • Dredge plume monitoring
  • Silt monitoring for hydropower plants
  • Turbidity monitoring during construction

solutions instrument Secchi disc - KC-Denmark

Secchi Discs are circular discs used to measure water transparency in oceans and lakes. The disc is mounted on a pole or line, and lowered slowly down into the water. The depth at which the pattern on the disk is no longer visible is taken as a measure of the transparency of the water. This measure is known as the Secchi depth and is related to water turbidity. Available in 2 sizes, both Secchi discs are made of 10 mm VIKUPOR SC white PVC plates. A lead weight is mounted in the bottom.

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AQUAscat 1000R AQUAscat acoustic profilers - Aquatec Group

The AQUAscat 1000 range of acoustic suspended sediment profilers transmit pulses of high frequency sound on multiple transducers operating at different frequencies. They measure the sound scattered by sediment and other suspended materials at discrete spatial intervals. The backscatter is then processed to calculate mean particle size and suspended sediment concentration.

The instrument is most suitable for particle sizes between 20 μm and 500 μm radius and concentrations of 0.01 g/l to 20 g/l over 1 m, or more over a shorter range. Most AQUAscat instruments have integrated temperature and depth sensors to provide operators with a better understanding of the water environment. Some instruments have the option to integrate a turbidity sensor to provide a separate single point measurement of turbidity, giving optical measurements as well as acoustic. The AQUAscat 1000 range provides valuable knowledge on the sediment processes taking place. This can be done at a single location to produce a time series or via transects to observe spatial variability. AQUAscat 1000 instruments can observe profiles of less than 1 m to 10 m (depending on the model), to provide information on the sediment processes close to the bed or in the water column.

Benefits of Using Acoustics
  • Low maintenance
  • High immunity to biofouling
  • Provides profiles of up to 10m
  • Suitable for unattended operation
  • Non intrusive
  • Flexible sampling