Aquatec has been providing the pre-commissioning industry with instruments and systems to simplify and speed up operations for over a decade. The extensive range of subsea measurement and communication products and services includes hydrotest monitoring equipment, leak detection systems, and acoustic and optical modems for subsea communication. The recent launch of our new HYDRO 3000 range enhances our capability, and allows us to provide the best solutions for our customers.

Hydrotest Monitoring
Leak Detection
Integrated communications
Hydrotest monitoring
  • HYDRO 3000 range
  • High accuracy test pressure and external temperature
  • Logging and real time systems
  • Rental and purchase
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Leak detection systems
  • Routine inspection and surveillance
  • Localisation of known leaks
  • Permanent systems
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Integrated communications
  • Acoustic modems – ‘send and forget’ and bi-directional
  • Optical modems
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Aquatec Group has extensive experience in providing reliable and innovative products and systems for use during pre-commissioning and for IRM activities.

Hydrotest monitoring

To demonstrate a successful hydrotest, a continuous record of pressure is required. Aquatec provides logging and real time systems: from subsea instrumentation and data communication to the report that gives a permanent record of the test.

Leak detection systems

Aquatec’s LEAKlog leak detection sensors are used for routine inspection and surveillance, and for localisation of known leaks. The LEAKloginspection suite incorporates a data acquisition system and interchangeable sensors for different types of leak sensing application.

Integrated communication

Acoustic telemetry has come a long way in the last decade and the number of applications demanding real-time data from subsea instrumentation is ever increasing. Aquatec’s engineering team have been creating customised telemetry solutions for customers in the offshore, defence and marine industries for over 25 years. In 2013, Aquatec added a short range optical modem to their toolkit of communication solutions.

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Rental Rewards Programme

Join Aquatec's Rental Rewards Programme and benefit from low priced rental rates, discounts, training and more!

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Offshore team

Call us: +44 (0) 1256 416010