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The full list of products in the Sediment? Solved range, including turbidity loggers, acoustic suspended sediment profilers, grabs, corers, sediment traps, water samplers, benthic flumes and cohesive strength meters.


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Observing Suspended Sediment

Market leading instrumentation and equipment for observing sediment in suspension from Aquatec Group and KC-Denmark. Includes turbidity loggers, acoustic profilers and secchi discs.

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Advanced turbidity logger, measuring turbidity to >10,000FTU (Aquatec Group)

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Secchi discs (KC-Denmark)

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AQUAscat 1000 range of acoustic suspended sediment profilers for observing profiles of mean particle size and suspended sediment concentration over ranges of up to 10m (Aquatec Group)

Collecting Suspended Sediment

Reliable equipment for collecting sediment in suspension from KC-Denmark, including niskin bottles, water samplers and sediment traps.

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High volume sediment trap for investigating vertical particle flux (KC-Denmark)

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Sediment sampling with time lapsed trigger (KC-Denmark)

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Sediment trap array (KC-Denmark)

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Sampler for collecting bedload materials (KC-Denmark)

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Niskin water samplers for use singly or in rosette stations of up to 24 bottles (KC-Denmark)

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Horizontal water sampler for use in lakes, streams or stratified waters (KC-Denmark)

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Sampler for use in lakes, water borings or wells (KC-Denmark)

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Sampler with fully open interior during sampling (KC-Denmark)

Collecting Bedload and Deposited Sediment

A comprehensive range of grabs and corers from KC-Denmark and MBT GmbH - MacArtney Germany for collecting sediment from the seabed, river bed, lakes and other natural waters.

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A stainless steel grab based on the Van Veen design (KC-Denmark)

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A grab for collecting sediment and sludge samples based on the Ekman design (KC-Denmark)

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This grab is highly suited for taking well-defined samples from hard as well as soft sediments (KC-Denmark)

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A marine geological sampling tool for soft sediment in lakes or oceans (KC-Denmark)

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Designed for taking samples in muddy or half-hard sediment and can be used as a line operated as well as a hand-operated sampler (KC-Denmark)

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Designed for taking samples in sandy sediment (KC-Denmark)

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Takes up to 2 meters deep undisturbed samples from soft sediment and up to 4 meters deep samples from muddy sediment (KC-Denmark)

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A multi corer available in a range of sizes (KC-Denmark)

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Designed for sediment sampling in shallow lakes with a maximum depth of approx. 4 m (KC-Denmark)

Frahm sediment sampler

Sampler designed to close the gap between multicorers and gravity corers (MBT GmbH - MacArtney Germany)

Measuring Sediment Stability

Innovative instrumentation to measure surface sediment stability from Partrac, including the Voyager II sea flume and Cohesive Strength Meter.

Voyager II seaflume

Designed for in situ studies of threshold, erosion velocity and erosional behaviour of undisturbed marine muds (Partrac)


Directly measures the surface erodibility of marine, fluvial and terrestrial sediments (Partrac)

Integrated Systems

Aquatec can provide integrated solutions, bringing together multiple technologies to suit individual project requirements. Complete systems can be designed to measure sediment throughout the natural environment, bringing together Sediment? Solved products and Aquatec’s extensive expertise in instrument, communication and system design.