Aquatec Expert is a new service for the AQUAscat introduced to help new and existing customers make the most of their instruments, and optimise data collection and analysis. Aquatec Expert provides advice and guidance at both the pre and post deployment stages, as well as data analysis and reporting services.


Aquatec Expert

For surveyors and consultants, the complete Aquatec Expert service allows the AQUAscat suspended sediment profilers to be used confidently and efficiently, in order to enhance the sediment monitoring and understanding of an area. For researchers, the service can provide a solid baseline understanding of the instrumentation to aid future research. Aquatec Expert is also available for customers renting the AQUAscat instruments.

BronzeBronze Aquatec Expert

The bronze level service includes a personal consultation and pre-deployment advice:

Personal consultation

A personal consultation to discuss your deployment, what you want to measure, the expected sediment regime, your expectations, your client’s expectations, and gathering an understanding of other co-located instruments.


Pre-deployment advice

Pre-deployment advice comprising a performance capability prediction for the range of suspended sediments, covering trade-offs with power and sample regime; and a recommended configuration for your instrument, including advice on equipment mounting, battery provision, and synchronisation with any other instruments.


SilverSilver Aquatec Expert

The silver level Aquatec Expert features the bronze personal consulation and pre-deployment advice, and adds a post-deployment report:

Post-deployment report

Post deployment report to include:

  • Critical analysis of AQUAscat dataset
  • Deployment summary
  • Hand-tuned particle size and load profile inversions
  • Matlab or CSV processed dataset


GoldGold Aquatec Expert

Gold Aquatec Expert offers silver level service for two deployments within a 12 month period.






Availability and pricing

AQUAscat 1000R and S

Bronze level Aquatec Expert is free of charge for new purchases of the AQUAscat 1000R research and AQUAscat 1000S survey models. This can be upgraded to silver or gold level service for an additional fee. For existing customers, any of the above service plans can be purchased at any time - contact us (below) for a quotation.

AQUAscat 1000L and LT

Any of the above service plans can be purchased with both new AQUAscat 1000L lab and AQUAscat 1000LT lite models, and by existing customers.

Aquatec Rentals

For customers looking to rent the AQUAscat instruments (see Aquatec Rentals for more information), an Aquatec Expert plan can be purchased at the point of order.


Contact Us for More Information

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